Friday, July 27, 2012

The Secret to Productivity and "Ganas"

This week I tackled so many projects! Main one being my website...which will be launching MONDAY!!!! AHH! :-D  So now I am going to share with you the key to a productive week and how to make it your...well, you know. Ready? Lean in really close and take notes.

The secret to productivity and ganas is: Watch Kill Bill Vol. 1 and save Vol. 2 for the weekend - preferably a Sunday night, that way Monday you come out in full force ready to take on the week! Seriously. Oh, and listening to the soundtrack will help keep you on track. Here are 3 minutes of pure adrenaline (when I climbed Mt. Tai in China, this song was on repeat to help me make it to the top - along with the entire OST, haha). 


Let me know if it works for you all! Have a great weekend! And do something grand.