Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I have a tripod. But I don't have the time patience to look for the little part that screws onto the bottom of my camera. So what would I use instead? Well, my unread books, that is! I knew I bought them for a reason. I made a little stop motion film for my cousin this week - you can check it out here

Yes, it does take some time to create the film, but it's actually a lot of fun. The first one I made was awful because I didn't use my tripod (bad idea). The next day I was actually sore because I kept bending over to take the pictures and move the figures. Needless to say, not only was I sore the next day, but because I didn't use a tripod, I was also nauseous because the entire film was wobbly. So lesson learned. However, my second video wasn't too shabby, if I may say so myself. 

This time around I wasn't going to make that same mistake - I would use my resources wisely! I could just buy a new tripod, right?...But that's too easy. 


  1. heehee I know the feeling!! I finally broke down and bought a tripod. BEST 10 bucks ever spent!! lol

    1. HAHA, I need to just get up and buy the darn tripod already. So many instances I've been like, "man, I need my tripod..."

  2. 1. Who needs a tripod?!
    2. I love those stop motion films. So cute.
    3. Love that song.
