Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Geneva Foundation

I had the privilege of being hired by the Geneva Foundation to take pictures of their board members and some shots around the office. I remember getting the call from the organization on a Friday last month and being so excited. They asked for prices and I shuffled around my desk looking for a price sheet...even though I don't have a price sheet. I was just nervous and caught off guard. So I calmly replied with, "I will email you more details regarding investment." Phew, that gave me a little more time to put together something rather than burst out any number just because it sounded good. I'm getting better at responding when caught off guard. ;)  One thing I've realized as I've been expanding my business is that each client is different - so having one set of prices to determine cost just doesn't make sense. Instead, I prefer to cater to my clients needs and calculate cost from there. We'll see how that works out. In the meantime, these are a few of my favorites from the Geneva Foundation's session.  

In other news, big surprises coming your way. And I mean HUGE! Hopefully I'm making the right decision. Details to follow soon. 


  1. Ahh surprises! How exciting. I want to know, I want to know!
    Cannot wait.

    Great shots. I'm sure clients like being catered to, I know I would! Makes you seem more personable.

    1. AHHH! Next week!!! :-D

      You, especially, will love it!!!!!!! ;)
