Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Nikon D800

The day has finally come. My D800 finally arrived!

I had two good-news morning calls today; the first from Anthony and the second from Robi's Camera Center informing me that my camera had arrived and was waiting for me. I've never jumped out of bed faster. Ever. (Sorry mum and dad, all those years of coming into my room clapping and turning on the lights in order to wake me up will never come close). After I hung up the phone, I let out a squeal...okay, okay - maybe a loud squeal. If Anthony were here we'd be jumping up and down like maniacs - but that's besides the point. Ahem. So, back to the camera! Ah yes, so Molly and I loaded up the car and headed to Robi's, picked up my camera, bought a few accessories, and rushed out the door. I came home and charged the battery. :Cue Jeopardy waiting music:


Without reading the manual, I loaded up the SD and CF cards and asked Molly to pose for me. 

Clearly I need to read my manual tonight! But I was just so excited to hold a piece of heaven in my hands! Alright, to my manual I go!!!!


  1. Yay, finally!! I must say, Molly seems to really have taken a liking to posing for you & the camera. Love the pics.
    Aw, and how well we remember those mornings. LOL
    Enjoy your new camera.

  2. What a good poser, Molly is :-). I've gotta get myself a good camera. For not having read the manual or anything, these pictures are so much better than anything my camera can take. Molly's features are so crisp.

    1. Anthony sure does have some modeling competition! HAHA - I know, I was so amazed by how sharp. 36 megapixels. INSANE! HAHA, I have to get a new external hard drive because 5 pictures = 1GB. SHEESH!

  3. Woot! Make sure to keep that shutter speed high. Shouldn't be a problem shooting at f 1.4 in daylight!

    Love you!

  4. Lol molly is sooo cute.. As far as jumping out of bed so fast well it took us a while cause we would stay up throwing something on the fan lol
