Friday, August 31, 2012

Baby Talk

The past few weeks Everly and I have been keeping busy. From walks, to reading, feeding,  sleeping, dancing, singing, and trying to eat my fingers. Oh, and the occasional pose for a picture.  You know, baby things. An end of a two week era has fallen upon us. I find myself comparing my experience caring for a baby like caring for my business; my baby (if that makes sense). Have to find new ways to make things work. Prevent Everly from getting bored and crying. Prevent my clients from getting bored and moving on. Must keep things fresh and exciting. With that! I tried something a little different in the editing room. And I'm a-likin'!

"Lisa, please be quiet. I am trying to think." She tells me.

Enjoy your weekend!! I'm so stoked, Laura, a friend and fellow blogger, is making her way over to The Emerald City via Louisiana. Keeping my fingers crossed her flight makes it out. Curse you, Isaac. 


  1. Love the pictures! Looks like Everly has grown since her last photo session. :)

  2. I'm missing the little peanut today! Had to look back at the photos, makes me feel a little better :)
    Thank you again for doing such fun shots, can't wait for the bath time photo session!!

    1. AWWW! I'm glad they made you feel better :) Yes! I'm so excited for her little bath time, haha. She's the cutest!
