Friday, August 3, 2012

Epic Employee

Who knew 4 years later two good friends would end up in the same city? In the same state for that matter?! Well, that seems to be the case for Stephen and me. He got a job in the great city of Seattle! What's so inspiring about his story is that he came with $10 in his pocket to visit me and apply for jobs over here. I always applaud friends who go against the "conventional" way of doing things. Moving to a new state (just because) and leaving your belongings at home to start fresh. We write our own life stories; Complicated and layered works of art (I'm blessed to write my story alongside with Anthony). Why follow a script? Don't worry about not following protocol. It's okay to go off the beaten path. It's okay to try something new. It's okay to live your life how you want to. I've always loved Baz Luhrmann's song Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) - it's a great reminder to living.  

"Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday."

So go out and enjoy your weekend! Be you. Be inspired. Create. And Stephen, congratulations on your new job! I'm hoping one day you'll have your own reserved parking spot similar to this sign. 


  1. That's so exciting, Lisa! I love visiting new places, it inspires me. I fell in love with California two years ago and it made me want to move there.

    "Don't worry about not following protocol. It's okay to go off the beaten path. It's okay to try something new. It's okay to live your life how you want to."

    Oh, and what will Stephen be doing?

    1. I definitely want to go visit you in Louisiana. How long is TFA for? I actually looked into it - but didn't follow through.

      Hopefully you can come up for Labor Day weekend! :)

      Stephen got a job with Enterprise Car Rental.

    2. Funny you should mention that...I just blogged about a ticket to Seattle/Tacoma in my future. You are welcome any time. I may be moving into a house very soon (fingers crossed). The house is GORGEOUS and looks like something out of a southern movie. There will be a guest bedroom, otherwise you can share my queen size bed with me (if you don't think that's weird of course).

      TFA is a two-year commitment and I am starting my second year very soon. Please come :)
      Enterprise rules. I've only rented cars from them.

    3. I just realized how weird the guest comment may have sounded. Totally meant in case my roommates and I use it for storage. HA. I am clearly delirious and need sleep.

    4. HAHA, I definitely felt your excitement through your comments. AHHH!!! I'll start looking at tickets :)
