Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Different Pens

This week has been hard. Ups and down with the business (mainly feeling uninspired). Maybe I'm burning myself out trying to create, create, create. Keep my name out there. Not be idle in the realm of social media. It's quite stressful. The thought of flying to Honolulu, HI (courtesy of the US Army) just to get away and be inspired even crossed my mind. 

One of my go-to books called, "It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be" (no, I didn't pick this book up in the 'self-help' aisle at B&N - I actually bought it at Anthropologie - the only item I could afford, ha!) One of the sections is titled, "If You Get Stuck, Draw With A Different Pen." Here are my two favorite quotes from this section:

"Change your tools, it may free your thinking."
"It is not a solution, but it does open up the mind and it's fun."

So that's what my plan for the rest of the week is. Dive into a little pastel art and film photography to "free my thinking." If you have any tips on how you keep yourself inspired, feel free to share your secrets with me. I've hit a wall and have to break through it.


  1. Music inspires me. Reading "Self-Help" <-- Nothing wrong with that, Lisa. I find that I gain inspiration from things I read sometimes. Think about what makes you "feel" something. That's all people want, they want to "feel" something when they see your work. Focus on what you want others to feel and let that be your inspiration.

    Also, I love Anthropologie, I sadly get discouraged every time I walk in because I can't afford much either. Maybe we can go and set a limit we can spend and come out with happy knick knacks. Hey, anything Anthropologie is better than nothing Anthropologie.

    This is the logic I have when my students leave me. May not be very logical. Enjoy yourself letting your mind wander though, it will bring good things. I BELIEVE IN YOU :)

    1. You're very right. I seem to forget what really matters sometimes. You just gave me an idea!

      Yes! Please! Anthropologie added to the itinerary :)

      You're too sweet, Laura! Thanks for your comment!
