Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Message Received

This is more of just a filler post until I put up this weekend's shoot - which will be tomorrow. I'm actually quite surprised because we only shot for about 45 minutes and I came home to 20 solid good ones. I must admit, however, I really wasn't in my groove during Saturday's session. Was it the fact I was shooting friends - so in the back of my mind I knew I could get away with a little bit less energy? Was it the location? Was it because we were hungry and rushed through the motions? 

I was having a hard time understanding why I just wasn't feeling Saturday's session. Then Anthony quoted a verse from John 4:44, "For Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his native place." I was a bit confused because I am certainly not trying to play the role of a "prophet" (in the sense of a world-class photographer) - but then Anthony, as he does so well, explained to me that people who know you well and know your past cannot see anything more than your past. Your potential to them can be hard to visualize. I understood exactly what he meant. Later that day, I was reading an article and came across a quote that added on to what my dear husband explained to me, "You need to move from your comfort zone into the 'discomfort zone' where your potential is refined and put to good use."  Message received, Big Man Upstairs. Message received. 

This is not to suggest that I won't take pictures for friends anymore, because I would do anything for them. And if I'm snapping away taking pictures for them, well then that's just an added bonus for us all. But I will be "stepping out of my comfort zone" (one of my weaknesses is always holding back my ideas to please someone else's). I can no longer hide behind those forgotten ideas. Allow me to direct and compose a beautiful image for you. Allow me to lose myself while I take your pictures. It's just something you have to trust me on. And I promise you won't be disappointed. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how 'prophet' is one of your tags. Plan on using that one often?
