Monday, January 14, 2013


2012 Lessons:

1) Slow down
2) Keep going

The two most important for me. Something I'm carrying over for this year. 


I'm in the process of redesigning my brand. Something more me. Something really me. When I "designed" my first website, I was anxious. Wanted it done now. I rushed. If I didn't have an online presence the next day, I'd be a failure (in my mind). If I didn't have an online presence the next day, people would write me off.  
Lesson: Slow down


Most of my day, when not out shooting or editing, revolves around reading articles about photography, researching new techniques, and scrolling through photo after photo on blogs. The latter of which is the least healthiest for me. And the most discouraging for me. I've compared myself to these other photographers and feel like a worthless, untalented, amateur photographer. (WOAHA! dramatic). But you know what I mean. I go to bed worrying about my future in the field. Yea, it's no "overnight success," I get that. But I just have to keep going with my true self. 


It's sort of inevitable once you've come this far in the planning process. You want to challenge yourself and see if it can be executed according to your standards. Having done it once demonstrates that I am capable of doing it. Now I am curious to see if I can do it better. Cheers to bigger and better ideas!

1 comment:

  1. I have so much faith in your work. 2013 is going to be so, so good to you.
